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Arial View of Green Field

Our Mission

Ensuring food supply 

Using genetically modifications to produce flood-resistant crops.

Green Orchard
Scientist in Greenhouse

A different approach, using new technology and recently discovered genes

India already has the largest population facing food shortages in the world, with an estimated 189 million people in India already undernourished before the pandemic began. Floods have contributed to food instability by rendering destroyed 18 million hectares of cultivable land from 2017-19.
Current solutions include the increased supply of gibberellin(GA) which is not sufficient in achieving the stem elongation required by crops to survive floods. The recent development of mega 1 varieties of rice are  unable to solve the problem at the root level and dodge it by developing a quiescence strategy that doesn’t work if flooding is prolonged and exposure of leaf tip above the water surface is vital.

Green Orchard


Our solution is tailored to meet the needs of Indian farmers who are increasingly facing crop destruction and lower yields due to floods. Genestic is producing flood-resistant crops by genetic modification of 2 counteracting genes called ACCELERATOR OF INTERNODE ELONGATION 1 (ACE1) and DECELERATOR OF INTERNODE ELONGATION 1 (DEC1) through CRISPR/ CAS9.

Meet the Team

Our team comprises teenagers from TKS innovation program who are interested in making an impact on the world by solving the world's biggest problems

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